Ein ni­gel­na­gel­neu Giugiaro von "Lotus"

  • Hallo!

    Eine kleine Firma will neue DMC-12 Replicas mit größtenteils Originalteilen verkaufen!

    Heise Autos

    Was ich nicht wusste ist, dass das Fahrzeug unter Colin Chapman von Giugiaro designt wurde und größtenteils auf dem Esprit basiert.
    Eigentlich sollte man dann erst recht einen in der Sammlung haben! :)
    Mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass das es eine sau coole Kiste ist.


    Man kann ein Auto nicht wie ein menschliches Wesen behandeln - ein Auto braucht Liebe (Walter Röhrl)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von ArthurD (29. Januar 2016 um 21:08)

  • Hallo,

    der mit dem Chaplin ist gut ;):D
    Aber ab davon basiert der nicht auf dem Esprit sondern hat nur konstruktive Ähnlichkeit, weil er halt von den Lotus Leuten quasi zu Ende konstruiert wurde...

    Viele Grüße.


    Don't only dream about, feel it and do it!

  • Hi,
    das hat ist ja interessant... Der DMC-12 ist ja derzeit in aller Munde. Er wurde ja quasi durch alle Oldtimer-Zeitschriften in 2015 durchgereicht...inkl. Wertzuwachs dank diesem riesigem Tamtams.
    Ich selbst kann (außer der Form) dem Wagen nichts abgewinnen. Viel zu schwer die Kiste, noch unpraktischer in der Garage, dank Flügeltüren, viel Rost unter der Beplankung und dann auch noch der Euro-V6 mit magereren 132 Pferden... (der Motor war von Renault schon in der Alpine A310, allerdings mit 150 PS und geschätzten 300 Kg (?) weniger Gewicht).

    Historisches Kulturgut ist er allemal, auch wenn ihm natürlich die Filmreihe "Zurück in die Zukunft" zu diesem Hype zusätzlich geholfen hat.
    Das ist ja das schöne an unserem Hobby...die Geschmäcker sind ja zum Glück verschieden...
    Also...haut den Fluxkompensator an...
    Gruß, Largo

    "Wie ich sehe, haben sie den Lotus wieder zusammengeklebt"
    007 zu Q ("For your eyes only")

  • Ich warte drauf dass mal jemand die unglaubliche Entstehungsgeschichte des Autos bzw Lebensgeschichte von Mr. de Lorean, verfilmt.zuletzt mußte er wegen Kokainhandels in den Knast.
    Lotus hat sich überreden lassen diese kaputte Möre (leider) noch irgendwie zu Ende zu entwickeln und zu retten was zu retten ist, soweit das eben überhaupt noch technisch möglich war....das Fahrzeug ist ein Katastrophe und nur wegen Zurück in die Zukunft überhaupt noch in Erinnerung.

  • I hope I can give you some advises but I guess it still takes some time...

    According to Variety, Hollywood producers David Permut and
    Steve Lee Jones have secured the rights to John DeLorean's life story --
    a film that's been in the works since late 1997.

    The fascinating tale will cover DeLorean's tenure at Packard, his rise at General Motors and instrumental role in creating cars like the GTO
    -- the vehicle the invented the muscle car -- through to the ill-fated
    DMC-12, his subsequent drug-trafficking trials (of which he was
    acquitted) and the eventual bankruptcy that brought down his empire.

    Needless to say, we'd watch with rapt attention. But let's qualify that
    statement; we'd sit still, wolfing down popcorn and JuJuBes provided the
    biopic is handled without the application of Hollywood's
    reality-distortion filter.

    DeLorean provided plenty of material in his life, and no screenwriter or
    producer needs to go futzing with the details to make it more
    compelling than it already was. The biggest question we have is who
    would be appropriate to play John Z himself?

    John DeLorean movies ready to duke it out
    The race to make a movie based on the life of John DeLorean has been a slog, not a sprint. During a span of nearly three decades, there have been books, TV movies, documentaries and a raft of failed feature projects and unproduced screenplays left by the side of the road.
    Now producers Steve Lee Jones and David Permut think they have the vehicle that can reach the finish line, one fueled by a screenplay from an Emmy winner, the unearthing of 27-year-old FBI surveillance tapes, consulting agreements with DeLorean's brother Charles and his former lawyer and, perhaps most importantly, the only official involvement of his estate and its executor, DeLorean's fourth and final wife.
    For years, the estate had spurned numerous overtures until Jones came calling. He was given an exclusive option in September 2009, according to attorney William Courtney, who represents the estate and executor Sally DeLorean.
    "John's wife liked the way Mr. Jones said he would portrayJohn as the last American maverick," Courtney said.
    There are four other DeLoreans racing around on the feature-development track, at least two with significant financial backing and with DeLorean's children Kathryn and Zachary as consultants.
    For his big-budget take, Permut has teamed with Jones, who was an executive producer on HBO's "You Don't Know Jack." Adam Mazer, who won an Emmy for the script, is finishing the DeLorean screenplay.
    "There's a reason people are so keen to make this movie; the story is so powerful," Permut said.
    Still, there are reasons the tale of the colorful auto tycoon whose gull-wing dream didn't fly hasn't made it to the big screen. It's a drama at a time when dramas are a tough sell, it's set in the world of business when there is an anti-business climate and it's about an anti-hero who for all his vision failed in business and was caught trying to sell cocaine to an undercover FBI agent.
    Attorney Howard Weitzman eventually got DeLorean off in a 31⁄2-month trial by proving the feds entrapped him, but by then, DeLorean's company, reputation and career were a wreck.
    Jones thinks the time has come to tell this tale.
    "It is a story that exemplifies big business and conglomerates and government involvement with business, which is of course very topical today with the bailouts that took place," he said.
    The story as he sees it is of a "maverick" who bucked the system.
    "John was running General Motors, had a beautiful wife, a cushy position, and he basically told them to screw themselves and left because he wanted to take it to another level," Jones said. "He foretold the fallout of the major car companies in America and predicted that if GM didn't get with the program and start considering the amount of energy cars were using, they would eventually fail."
    The story of a titan of industry who experienced a spectacular fall from grace also is what fuels the other contenders.
    "It was an American dream in that he came from a blue-collar family and had the opportunity to do a lot, but it was almost too much," said Aram Tertzakian of XYZ Films, one of three producers of another DeLorean movie project. "He flew too high, and then the powers that be made sure he wasn't successful, and all the freedom and fame and glamour that came with rising so high got in his way and led to a great fall."
    Like Permut and Jones, Tertzakian and fellow producer Nick Spicer want to attract a star to play DeLorean, but they have a more modest goal of making their movie with a budget of less than $20 million.
    Two other projects on the fast track also are looking for major feature treatment. One is based on a script by James Toback being written for producers Brett Ratner and Robert Evans, with financing already set up through India's Reliance Big Entertainment (as part of a deal with Ratner's Rat Prods.). The other, with Kathryn DeLorean on board as a producer, is from Evolution Entertainment, Nine/8 Entertainment and former agent Michael Menchel, with a script by "Saw IV" writer Thomas Fenton.
    Sources: IMBd and Wikepedia

    Last but not least the documentary "living a dream" was releast 2015 but the other projects are still in progress

    A long and winding road passagierflugzeuge_0011.gif