Lotus Esprit V8 gegen Ferrari 355

  • Da bin ich platt!Hätte ich nicht gedacht, dass der Lotus den 355 absemmelt!!!Much respect!!!
    Motor Trend May 1998
    Fully road tested both cars here they are side by side.

    0-60 - Lotus - 4.4 - F355-F1 - 4.6
    1/4 mile Lotus - 12.8@111.8 mph - F355-F1 - 13.0@109.7mph
    0-100-0 - Lotus - 14.9 seconds - F355-F1 - 15.6
    0-1 mile - Lotus - 32.1@158.4mph - F355-F1 - 32.6@154.1mph
    Skidpad G - Lotus - 0.98G - F355-F1 - 0.98G
    Slalom speed - Lotus - 70.0 mph -F355-F1 - 70.8 mph
    Top Speed - Lotus - 179.4 mph - F355-F1 - 177.6 mph.

    Now the Lotus at the time of the test was $84,920 and the Ferrari F355 F1 was $137,725. now i admit the Lotus has a outdated apperance but when they finnaly got rid of the Turbo 4 and got a Twin V8 this car kicks ass !! and its cheaper then the F355.